
Monday, June 16, 2014

Trail-side temples.

A few photos showcasing the beautiful temples and shrines that we came across during the hike. We were lucky enough to stay at one of Korea's most prestigious Buddhist temples (Buseok-sa) during a rainstorm, and we got to meditate in the main hall, accompanied in our meditation by much chanting and tapping from the monks in residence. Actually, the chanting and tapping made it almost impossible to meditate deeply, but just sitting there with the rain falling on the temple roof was one of those special travel experiences that cannot be pre-arranged!

Temple nestled on the upper slopes of Jiri-san, South Korea's second highest peak.

How equanimous!

A shrine dedicated to the San-shin, or mountain spirits. Worship of the San-shin is still common in the mountainous areas of South Korea, and there are many shrines dedicated to the San-shin along the entire length of the Baekdu Daegan.

A San-shin master with his friendly mate, the San-shin tiger. 

A woman pays her respects to the Buddha during Buddha's birthday celebrations.

A monk hurries to the prayer-room on Buddha's birthday.

Buseok Temple, looking particularly temple-like on this misty morning.

Buseok Temple again.

Lone meditator at a mountain-top shrine. 

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